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type Point {
archivedDate: DateTime
author: User
authorId: UUID
category: Category
code: String
codeNum: String!
comments: [Comment]!
customFields: [CustomField]!
date: DateTime!
dueDate: DateTime
entityCreationDate: DateTime!
entityVersion: Int!
hasAttachment: Boolean!
id: UUID!
inCharge: [Chargee!]!
isArchived: Boolean!
isUrgent: Boolean!
lastModificationUserId: UUID
listId: UUID!
locationId: UUID
modificationDate: DateTime!
problemLocation: ProblemLocation
project: Project
projectId: UUID!
sequenceVersion: BigInt!
status: Status
subject: String!


Point.archivedDate ● DateTime scalar ● User object

Point.authorId ● UUID scalar

Point.category ● Category object

Point.code ● String scalar

Point.codeNum ● String! non-null scalar

Point.comments ● [Comment]! non-null object

Point.customFields ● [CustomField]! non-null object ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Point.dueDate ● DateTime scalar

Point.entityCreationDate ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Point.entityVersion ● Int! non-null scalar

Point.hasAttachment ● Boolean! non-null scalar ● UUID! non-null scalar

Point.inCharge ● [Chargee!]! non-null object

Point.isArchived ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Point.isUrgent ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Point.lastModificationUserId ● UUID scalar

Point.listId ● UUID! non-null scalar

Point.locationId ● UUID scalar

Point.modificationDate ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Point.problemLocation ● ProblemLocation enum

Point.project ● Project object

Point.projectId ● UUID! non-null scalar

Point.sequenceVersion ● BigInt! non-null scalar

Point.status ● Status object

Point.subject ● String! non-null scalar

Member Of

PointChange object

Implemented By

AproplanSyncEntity union